Sankey diagram is coming to ScheduleInterpreter® analytics in July 2022

June 24, 2022 - Reading time: 16 minutes

As interpreting industry continues to increase its interest in robust, enterprise-class analytics, ScheduleInterpreter® will offer several new charts to provide powerful visual representation of the data. Sankey will be the first such chart. Powered by Flawless Analytics engine, the chart represents millions of data points in simple and easy to understand layout.  As an example, the chart can be used to demonstrate the use of language services by various industries.

Flawless Analytics can review the data based on multitude of conditions such as branch, geo locations, time period and much more, and build relationships between every interpreting assignment and industry where the services are provided. Similar relationships can be build to demonstrates margin brackets or employee's performance. More advanced charts can represent time specific requirements for performance assessments and compliance with SLAs.

Sankey charts are especially useful in large scale operations, where volume and variants of data can create difficulties in processing complex reports.  The chart will be added to the dashboard design process in July 2022.

In addition to being informative, all elements of the chart are interactive and can be used to create custom layout with targeted focus points, featuring different colors, locations and alignment of the data anchors.  Resulting chart can be easily downloaded as an image and be placed into a report of Power Point presentation.

Sankey chart with repositioned data anchors 

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