Travel settings 2.0 - update addresses combining travel and service time

April 21, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

This is a minor update affecting very specific conditions. This update only affects conditions when assignment has been completed within very short time and arrival travel time was shorted than minimum billable, while at the same time combined with departure travel time exceeded minimum billable. After update travel time is now correctly combined with service time.

Find vendor update

April 14, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Find vendor is one of the most used option in ScheduleInterpreter®.  This update restores functionality to accurately locate interpreter speaking specific language. Selecting only language does not require geo location of any type and provides list of interpreters and world map with their locations.

Assignment control center - vendor rates

April 9, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

After update assignment control center accurately shows the rate for all vendors under specific conditions. This affects vendors using default enterprise rate and not having the skills required to complete the assignment. Prior to the update, when vendors responded with their availability and the requirements of the assignment were changed, the rate in the assignment control center was showing default enterprise rate matching the requested skills and not the skills of the vendor.

On the Spot! update prevents accepting cancelled assignments

April 2, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Recent update prevents accepting cancelled assignments on Android and iOS devices. Previously, anyone with permission to accept assignment was able to self-assign using mobile devices. After update, On the Spot! will advise that assignment is no longer available and recommend manually update the schedule.