siConnector Schedule can now be activated for the customers

March 13, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

siConnector Schedule can now be added to the customers' panel and enable importing of the schedule with a single click. The option is activated for each account and provides upload, preview and import functionalities. Prior to activation, the member of the administrative team needs to configure import settings and data mapping. siConnector Schedule can be activated under ACCOUNT CENTER > SETTINGS > OPTIONS and is available immediately.

Custom interpreter notifications based on modality

March 13, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

ScheduleInterpreter COMMUNICATION CENTER is updated to include modality-based notifications. This update enables creation of the notifications based on modality of the assignment. Support is added to offer OSI, VIS, VRI and OPI modalities. Remote assignment may contain set of instructions different from those provided in person. LSPs and organizations may select to continue using single notification for all modalities. Two notifications are offering multi modality - ASSIGN and SCHEDULE REMINDER. This is a stage 1 release. Stage 2, - activation of the broadcasts is scheduled for March 15, 2023 relase.

Interpreters can accept assignment while logged in

March 10, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

From first days of the platform, interpreters relied on e-mails and text messages to be able to confirm the acceptance of the assignment. ScheduleInterpreter On the Spot! offered another option to accept the interpreting assignment.  This update enables similar functionality when interpreter is logged in into the profile using a computer or tablet. Using mini dashboard in the calendar, interpreters can open list of upcoming assignments and see if they need to review and confirm the acceptance.

Project managers can now assign partnering LSP before submitting request

March 9, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

You can now assign a language service provider your organization partnered with using schedule interpreter form. To further improve the management process, organizations where the name of the sub-contracting provider for specific assignment is known in advance, that provider can be selected before request is submitted. The process proved to be highly beneficial for hospitals and court systems using ScheduleInterpreter®. To gain access to the feature, navigate to FORM DESIGNER, select a form used for internal scheduling and add SELECT VENDOR field to the form of your choice. Use pencil icon to rename the field.

Cancellation policies update

March 9, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Accounts' cancellation policies were updated to accurately select languages affected by the policy. Prior to the update, when editing multiple policies without refreshing the screen, list of languages would be accumulating list of previously selected policy and the one that was edited. This may have resulted in extra languages being added to the policy. After update, selecting the policy will clear previous selection and then populate the languages of the currently selected policy.

Offering flexible modality of interpreting for customers

March 9, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Selections and options are always great. Over time our subscribers built an impressive portfolio of customers who use various modalities for interpreting. With remote interpreting continuing its evolution and some enterprises returning to 100% in-person interpretation, subscribers of ScheduleInterpreter® can now designate the list of specific modalities to each customer account. In addition, modalities can be assigned to the departments and business units of the accounts. All settings are available immediately and can be configured under ACCOUNT CENTER. 

Session timer is added for OPI interpreters

March 8, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Update helps interpreters collecting details of assignments to continue see the length of their session. Update also adds ability to alter content of the initially collected details, including first and last name of the consumer, provider, account, notes and others. Feature is available instantly and no configuration changes are required.

Forms designer enables hiding the address block

March 8, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

FORM DESIGNER is updated to offer hiding of the address block. Address block includes two lines of actual address, city, state or province and postal code. Option also removes the selection of the country. This can be used for organizations offering remote services using virtual settings with platforms such as Zoom or MS Teams. Any customer account regularly prescheduling remote services can also be configured with hidden address block to simplify data entry.