Import ID is added to find assignment

March 8, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Find assignment is enhanced with new option to display import ID coming from 3rd party platforms such as EPIC or Cerner, or when used while importing the scheduled using the siConnector. Option can be activated using personal preferences under MY SETTINGS tab.

iSign for virtual interpreting services is available in BETA

March 7, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

iSign is a set of tools allowing to simplify and automate validation and QA process. At its core is an in-house developed technology enabling customers and vendors to work together with operational team to quickly and efficiently validate completed interpreting assignment. Both, requester or a designated contact person receive secure e-mail with digital token and can fill out required fields, including time worked, notes and rating of the interpreter. Read more

Preparing to restart publishing updates in real time

March 7, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Last 5 months were very busy for our team. We are preparing blog to become active again with daily updates. There are several new items that will be added to the platform in general and we can't wait to share them with you. Meanwhile, we have a new artist in residence - Midjourney, an AI tool to help us visualize the content, make it more entertaining and colorful.

Modality is now listed in OTS calendar

October 4, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

It is important for your interpreters to know the modality of an appointment right away, that way they can provide their availability or accept a job without having to dig deeper for additional information. With the new update, modality (on-site, video, phone, or virtual) is listed right in the OTS calendar, next to the target language. 

Multiple updates to various modules of the platform

September 11, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

This week starts with number of important updates across multiple modules in ScheduleInterpreter®. New option preventing interpreters to accept the assignment using On the Spot!, when it overlaps with another assignments on their schedule. This can be activated and deactivated using CONTOL CENTER. Members of the administrative team can add non-service expenses in the REVIEW CENTER when assignment was flagged as cancel billable. Option to display only account or sub account name on the calendar. REVIEW CENTER was updated with option to add name of the 3rd party billable account and the consumer name. Read more

Communication center update

September 8, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Communication center is one of the most vital parts of ScheduleInterpreter®. Every month the platform broadcasts tens of millions of communication items including emails, text messages and push notifications. Emails now can be formatted using convenient tools offering precise layout for better branding. Font formats, coloring, alignments, lists, font sizing and much more are now available for administrators to design the content. Traditional keyword tags are still available to auto-populate the content. Read more

Account center enterprise tools and third party billable

September 7, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

In a rush to get the updates to account center, several options were left behind. This update unifies the process of selecting third party accounts and enterprise tools to manage template accounts. New selections follow standardized layout and offer tiered structure for selection. User access account also updated using the same structure and offering unified experience for the administrative team.

Conditional access to ScheduleInterpreter is available for hospitals and courts

September 5, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Conditional access is a new security feature designed specifically for the healthcare providers and courts. It is part of Azure AD integration and helps to build an extra layer of protection without relying on a third party solutions. Administration team of the account can add several conditions that must be matched. Conditions can be custom tailored to the individual requirements of each organization and include administrative unit and group IDs, domain, tenant ID and the network. With new options in place, information security teams in the hospitals and courts can enable ScheduleInterpreter® Azure AD authentication and create specific requirements right within ScheduleInterpreter® account center.