After making update to the account center, it was just the matter of time for this feature to come to the vendor center. ScheduleInterpreter® allows you to recalculate assignments that were completed and are either Ready for review or Ready for invoice. You can perform the update for a single vendor, all employees (W-2), all contractors (1099-MISC) or any combination. The process is fast and precise, and gives you instant results and peace of mind. Similar to account center, all updates take place in the background and allow member of the administrative team to carry on with other tasks.
This week we traced and made some updates
After recent rebranding of interpreting ISO reporting into incident reporting and updates that included retention of the linguist name, ScheduleInterpreter® now offers in-browser and downloadable incident reports. Updated reports provide in-depth analysis including closeout reasons, tracking and resolution details, and names of all parties. This also connects to assignment control center, providing project managers access to vendor's historical data.
Journal 3.0 is finishing beta testing with another enhancement. All financial transaction can now be seen in the Journal, including effective dates and name of the person completing the transaction. All authorized users gain access to enhanced timeline featuring customer invoice and payment, and vendor payment transactions. Journal also reports the date when invoice was delivered to the customer and when customer acknowledged delivery of the invoice.
Incident reporting for interpreting assignments received major upgrade. Starting June 7, 2022 management team can add any entries and link them to the vendors who may have been removed from the assignment. In addition, entry made for a vendor who was removed from the assignment later will also be stored and reported unchanged. All subscribers have access to the feature effective immediately.
Minor update improves selection process of the requester by providing instant access to first and last names and now to e-mail. Option can be configured using personal settings and will follow preferences any device under the same user profile. The option works when lists of users are separated from the customer accounts. E-mails are listed under scheduling, service and bill to accounts.
With upcoming update to Engage,, Inc. announces that ScheduleInterpreter® Community will stop working on December 31, 2022. Community has been a great platform for all of us for almost 7 years. Today it exhausted its use and with upcoming Engage updates better tools that addresses the needs of our subscribers will be available. The sunsetting is divided into two stages. Starting July 1, 2022 all active use of Community will stop and content will be available in read only format. All subscribers will be transitioned to new version of Engage. After December 31, 2022 current version will no longer be available. Read more
This update enables real-time data streaming from On the Spot! mobile application into the Journal. All tasks completed On the Spot! during interpretation can be seen with corresponding time stamp, name of the authorized person representing the client and comments from all participating parties. Each task is highlighted in the entry and feature unique On the Spot! icon.