Community maintenance upgrade

September 8, 2021 - Reading time: ~1 minute

In order for things to work well, precise maintenance and care are required. Our community was updated to include latest code and fixes. This includes collection of latest libraries and utilities.  We periodically conduct minor or incremental updates to ensure all our subscribers can communicate with us in a secure and efficient way.  New version is 2.8.6 and is back online to help us stay connected.

Review center speed improvement

September 8, 2021 - Reading time: ~1 minute

For subscribers with volumes of 10,000 assignments per month or more the update for REVIEW CENTER helps to improve the speed of displaying information for individual assignments on the screen. In some cases the data is shown on the screen up to 300% faster.

No platform link in calendar

September 8, 2021 - Reading time: ~1 minute

As number of interpreting assignments completed using 3rd party platforms continues to rise, often the link for the event is not being provided at the time of scheduling. To help manage assignments without the link, ScheduleInterpreter® is adding No platform link option to the mini dashboard in the calendar view. No platform link option allows instantly access all assignments for which the link was not provided at the time of scheduling.

Support documents export

September 8, 2021 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Documents submitted by interpreters in support of their assignments can now be retrieved from ScheduleInterpreter® as a single file in zip format. The entire process takes minimal time and is accessible from REVIEW CENTER. Selecting start and end dates allows to control the scope of data. All documents are grouped in folders for each individual interpreter, making storage and review process simple and well organized.

Vendor shifts can be added to the calendar

September 7, 2021 - Reading time: ~1 minute

shifts improve time allocation

Many providers of American Sign Language (ASL) services as well as organizations with interpreters working based on the hourly coverage instead of the number of assignments. Shifts are intuitively built into ScheduleInterpreter® workflow enabling automatic processing through REVIEW CENTER and PAYMENT CENTER.  Export payroll data for use with 3rd party processors.

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QBO vendor bills sync update

September 6, 2021 - Reading time: 34 minutes

easy to understand reports

Updated processing provides easy to understand reporting with specific instructions on how to  resolve known limitations of the Intuit QuickBooks Online. New reports are added to the e-mail and sent to the person working on processing the financial records. Read more

QBO connector gets BIG DATA update

September 5, 2021 - Reading time: ~1 minute

unlimited number of items

As ScheduleInterpreter® continues to enhance its portfolio of enterprise tools, integration with Intuit QuickBooks Online was boosted with new updates allowing to synchronize customer invoices and vendor bills containing tens of thousands of items.

This update is especially important for all our subscribers who shift their management of remote services to ScheduleInterpreter®. Both, bills and invoices following best practices for integration of interpreting and offer categorization and classification of all transactions.

The worst translator

September 4, 2021 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Sometimes the messenger leaves you no options.

Credits go to Comedy Central and Arturo Castro.