We resolved number of bugs resulting from old structure of the mileage rates. This includes multiple rates stored under account profile and their population using ATP rules. Several updates were posted to address special event conditions in the review center. No pay, cancelled billable and vendor approval statuses are now taken in consideration while showing results in the dashboards as well as statistical reports in the calendar and account selection under review center. Financial module was revised to introduce minor improvements in speed.
Consumer details are being enhanced with middle name field. It remains optional and can be skipped. With this update the name can be provided as an initial or a full length name. Update affects interpreting requests form and all associated documents produced by ScheduleInterpreter®. New keywords are added to the document designer to permit individual listing of the first, last and middle names and custom layouts.
This upgrade simplifies the process of configuring financial settings and operating enterprises with asymmetrical mileage cost structures. It is now possible to configure two separate compensation rates for employees and independent contractors for the entire organization. Each linguist can be configured with personalized rates. Each rate can be preset to be active within specific time period. In addition to the rate history, new structure helps to address extended assignments for linguists who travel to work outside of their area of residency, and are eligible for alternative compensation package. Upgrade follows the pass-though rule, when mileage rate set within the customer account defines compensation for the interpreter.
Following an update of ScheduleInterpreter® enabling active time periods (ATP) structure for customer accounts, this update brings similar functionality for the interpreters. Upgrade brings ATP in configuration of the mileage rates for vendors. New features include options to setup default rate for the entire organization and fine tune rates per individual interpreter, when needed. ScheduleInterpreter® preserves the history of the rates and allows to set future rates when federal government announces the upcoming changes. New tools to manage W-2 employees and 1099-MISC independent contractors are added.
Under very specific conditions, when interpreting services are provided using VRI modality but compensation is being paid based on onsite (OSI) modality and the assignment time crosses time brackets while being shorter than estimated time, ScheduleInterpreter® now correctly addresses the increment. The issue may have affected less than 0.001% of total assignments and has been resolved with this update.
This is a major upgrade to account center and financial module. Upgrade enables mileage rates for customers accounts be configured using active time periods (ATP). New features include options to setup default rate for the organization and fine tune rates per account or sub-account, when needed. ScheduleInterpreter® preserves the history of the rates and allows to set future rates when federal government announces the upcoming changes.
Compliance center is designed to centralize management of the interpreters and translators. With new updates growing number of accounts and vendors will not affect performance and allow tens or even hundreds of thousand of vendors and accounts to be managed quickly and effectively. Vendors and accounts can be searched quickly. New option to display profiles of linguists who require validation of their compliance paperwork is added, improving operations in large scale organizations. All settings can be customized under my settings tab to address personal preferences of all users.
Vendor center received an update to allow switching the view from table layout to a dropdown option. Large lists of vendors make computers and browsers underperform, affecting efficiency and overall experience with the platform. ScheduleInterpreter® moved vendor center to a new, high performance framework and preserved the traditional layout for organizations preferring it. To activate new option, use tools and settings to navigate to vendor center. Under my settings select drop down vendor list option.