Interpreting assignment control center performance boost

April 25, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

As number of interpreters' profiles grow, that number may affect overall project manager's  experience with the platform.  Control center now allows to hide inactive vendors from the processes of locating the linguist. This option can dramatically improve responsiveness of the platform and speed up the process of assigning the interpreter. To activate the option use HIDE INACTIVE option in control center under ASSIGNEMENT CONTROL CENTER tab.

Travel settings 2.0 - update addresses combining travel and service time

April 21, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

This is a minor update affecting very specific conditions. This update only affects conditions when assignment has been completed within very short time and arrival travel time was shorted than minimum billable, while at the same time combined with departure travel time exceeded minimum billable. After update travel time is now correctly combined with service time.

On the Spot! improves accuracy of the data collection

April 21, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

The latest update to ScheduleInterpreter® mobile application On the Spot! helps to address circumstances when interpreting assignment can't be completed. Special conditions include no show of the consumer, wrong language has been requested or when services of the interpreters are not required. This update allows interpreters to skip check out process, improving workflow and reducing the numbers of tasks necessary to complete the assignment. Application will automatically make adjustments to the work time based on data collected from the mobile device.

RingCentral joins the list of supported platforms

April 20, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

We just added support for RingCentral, enabling all subscribers to start scheduling calls using web and VoIP services. Since 2020 ScheduleInterpreter has been building support for prescheduled interpreting services using third party conference platforms. The process improves the workflow and helps to centralize details for all participating parties. The services transitioned into virtual interpreting services (VIS) and offers independent price structure for billing and compensation.

Communication center - confirm interpreter with legal paperwork attached

April 20, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

ScheduleInterpreter® completed upgrade of the communication center enabling new confirmation protocol. After interpreter is assigned to a request, a person who placed the request now can receive legal paperwork attached to a confirmation notification. While the body of the notification may contain details of the request, new option enables attachment of an electronic file that may be used as a contract or agreement. To activate option, use communication center assign tab and under customer tab select include request form check box.

Review center late time entry can be removed from QA process

April 19, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Every organization needs to control the way interpreting assignments are being validated for accuracy.  When QA process does not require tracking of the manually entered late time, it can be turned off using organization-wide policy in the control center.  Find review paperwork tab and select hide late time option.

Interpreting services modifiers and cancellation policies management

April 19, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Managing settings for interpreting services with any level of complexity becomes faster and more transparent. ScheduleInterpreter® continues to improve enterprise management tools offering enhanced templating process. This update affects modifiers and cancellation policies. Managing modifiers and cancellation policies for a group or category of accounts can be completed in just few clicks. Both options offer forensic reporting.

Financial transactions in the Journal

April 18, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

ScheduleInterpreter® is in the process of completing structural updates to enable publication of the financial transactions in the assignment Journal. The updated version of the Journal will feature date and time when customer invoice has been created or deleted (voided).  The Journal will also provide details on payments received or when payment is voided.