New status of the interpreting assignment is now live. It comes with statistical analysis and can be activated in the CONTROL CENTER. After activation is completed, an extra button for all assignments scheduled in the past is added in the calendar. New status has built-in safety features to recognize restrictions associated with financial transactions, such as customer invoice or vendor bill. After interpreting assignment is flagged as VENDOR NO SHOW, plain language label is attached to the event. It will no longer be accessible in the REVIEW CENTER and reports will feature new status as VENDOR NO SHOW.
To accommodate increased number of prescheduled remote interpretations across multiple time zones and various platforms, ScheduleInterpreter® calendar will start to use TZ abbreviation instead of the full spelling of Time Zone. As result of this transition, more space will be created to accurately reflect the time zone, modality and the platform of service delivery. This update is immediate and requires no further configuration changes.
As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, we are seeing more and more instances where artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to improve efficiency and quality in a wide range of industries. One area where AI is particularly promising is in the field of graphic design, where AI-powered tools are beginning to demonstrate the ability to produce high-quality artwork with unprecedented speed and accuracy. In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of using AI drawing skills in graphic design, and argue that 2023 might be a good year to prepare for the switch to AI. Read more
Modifiers are incredibly powerful feature of ScheduleInterpreter®. They allow easily control price formation for customers and vendors using everyday, plain English descriptions. Each event scheduled in the platform can have unique combination of standard prices that can be altered, while keeping original price structure intact. This update enables the use of the modifiers' descriptions in the REPORT DESIGNER and REPORT CENTER.
Anyone who is using ScheduleInterpreter® can now customize the layout of the Journal. New option helps to instantly switch from extended to compact and from compact to extended layout. Compact layout removes non-critical content, including icons and vendors photos and reduces the space between posts. In combination with real-time filters and custom ordering, this dramatically improves usability of the ScheduleInterpreter® Journal.
While working with various service providers, it may become essential to document status of the assignments and prevent that status from being changed withing the platform. New option - VENDOR NO SHOW is being prepared and rolled out across ScheduleInterpreter®. This status can be applied manually by the administrative team using the calendar or the REVIEW CENTER. Once applied, the status will automatically block creation of the invoice and compensating vendor for the assignment. This status is optional and can be activated in the CONTROL CENTER.
CONTROL CENTER and SCHEDULE INTERPRETER forms are upgraded and now provide access to document management tools after assignment has been scheduled. Option can be activated in the CONTROL CENTER. After activation is completed, requester will see options to upload, review and delete documents associated with the assignment.
Assignment control center was affected by an update that included incorrect version of the software library. The issues was reported and instantly addressed. Full functionality was restored with minimal effect on the users. This minor outage did not affect the functionality of the platform in general.