Friday is ScheduleInterpreter® update date!!! We are rolling out 3 new features coming from the Flow platform. Find invoice, find customer payment and find vendor payment. All three features offer full personalized customization of the layout and interface. Find customer payment is new to ScheduleInterpreter®, while find invoice and find vendor payment are the upgrades. All 3 features come with power tools, allowing group updates and contextual menu, granting instant access to management tools. All update features will be accessible in the platform side by side with the previous versions.
Set of modalities is assigned to each account in ScheduleInterpreter®. This configuration affects request process and enables management team and all requesters under the account to select from OSI (on-site interpreting), VIS (virtual interpreting services), OPI (over the phone interpreting) and VRI (video remote interpreting). This update brings standardized layout for both, members of the management team as well as user of the platform. Update is rolled out in nightly build and requires no changes in the workflow.
As we continue to expand the scope of the new platform, Find event 2.0 received set of new options. It is now possible to find any event using Claim ID and also see Claim ID in any report generated by the Find Event 2.0. For organizations looking to quickly locate all events scheduled by a specific individual, this option is now available as well. Head over to the REQUESTER tab and select the name you would like to search for. The platform will return the list of events scheduled by the infvifial.
One of the most beloved feature of the platform, the Journal, is coming to the invoices. New option is called Invoice Journal and similar to the Event Journal will provide tools to automatically track all actions associated with a specific invoice, add manual entries to the invoice history, review history of the actions or changes. Invoice Journal will be tightly integrated with upcoming collection module, enabling tracking of the collection actions and communication. Invoice Journal will be featured under Find Invoice 2.0, the Flow release.
Important change in how ScheduleInterpreter® synchronizes with Intuit QuickBooks Online. Effective October 17, 2023, we are starting to search for a Display Name while looking for an account name. This feature works for new accounts or accounts that have not been connected. QuickBooks Online uses the field to ensure it is unique and it working as a unique identifier. ScheduleInterpreter® support accounts with identical names, regardless of their position in the hierarchy. To continue using accounts with identical names, please make sure to connect accounts manually. The process has been available in the platform for more than two years and remains unchanged. After connection is completed, synchronization will ignore the names.
One of the most popular tool in the platform is ability to download any invoice as Microsoft Excel file. It is not just a simple tabular data, this format was created by ScheduleInterpreter developers team to provide extended version of the invoice with ability to run extensive analysis on the data provided. New version includes mush asked for extensions.
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Designing a logo for a company or a product is a creative process filled with passion. In this post, we delve into the fascinating journey of how the Flow logo for ScheduleInterpreter® came into existence. It begins with the history of the name and unfolds into a vibrant and purposeful visual identity that represents the essence of the platform. We already new the brand, its values, and the product's unique features. With more than 12 years on the market, identity of the target audience and the message the logo should convey were well established.
Flow, the new generation management platform starts to replace ScheduleInterpreter®. In October 2022, Inc. started preparations for platform migration. Our roadmap was set to span across 30 months and we are now starting gradual migration of all our subscribers. It is a process both, complex and complicated, yet we believe new platform will reflect our vision and philosophy, and positively affect every enterprise and organization using ScheduleInterpreter® platform. Integration of the Flow components will completed using side-by-side integration, meaning older modules will continue to function together with new.